Best Entertainment for Virtual Meetings

The Best Magic for Zoom

I did my first virtual magic shows in spring of 2020, and I quickly learned what worked over Zoom and what didn’t. I realized then that if I was going to succeed in the virtual space, I had to create a show that was made for the medium.

Here’s what works (and doesn’t work) in a virtual magic show:

What Works Best in Virtual Meetings

A Short Visual Opener

A virtual magician should immediately demonstrate to the audience that they are in good hands. The best way to do this is by performing a short, visual piece that knocks their socks off! This will instantly prove to the skeptics that the show is worth their time and attention.

Interactive Routines

Virtual meetings are all about CONNECTING with people. And a good zoom magic show is about connecting with the audience. It’s important to get the audience involved again and again throughout the show.

Magic in Their Hands

Magic that happens on screen can be visual and amazing, but magic that happens in a spectator’s hands (thousands of miles away), can be incredibly powerful! I try to have multiple moments in the show where the magic happens in the hands and homes of my audience members. It creates a real sense of participation, and the reactions are off the charts!

Seeing the Audience

Audiences want to SEE volunteers, not just hear them. Zoom is a visual medium, and showing the volunteer (either by co-spotlighting or using picture-in-picture) creates a sense of community and generates interest. When everyone sees a huge reaction from a volunteer, they’ll react in a big way, too!

Customized Shows

When performing at virtual company events, I customize my show to feature their company or meeting theme. I may create a custom grand finale featuring their products, or simply theme my show around the meeting topic.

I’ve been customizing my corporate show options for years. Custom shows are a HUGE hit with executives and employees alike. Most importantly, it makes the show more meaningful to the audience.

Top-Notch Technology

At a minimum, audiences are expecting a nice home studio with good lighting and clear sound. But that’s the MINIMUM.

I’ve spent thousands getting my studio to a level that exceeds expectations, with multiple camera angles, animated overlays, integrated music and more. By using the latest streaming hardware, I can give my audiences a fantastic front-row experience from anywhere in the world.

What Doesn’t Work:

Endless Card Tricks

I love card tricks, but audiences want variety! They want a mix of different effects (vanishes, reappearances, mind reading, etc.). These days, my online show only has three card routines.

Not Cutting to the Gallery for Applause

What does a TV director do when a stand-up comedian tells a joke? They cut to a shot of the audience laughing!

Always show the audience during the applause cues! Cutting to the gallery is the easiest way to increase applause, communicate FUN, and create a sense of participation.

A “One Size Fits All” Show

The kind of magic that entertains adults at a company happy hour is NOT the same type of magic that entertains children. Any decent corporate magician should always know their audience.

That’s it!

Thanks for reading. I hope this gives you a small window into my virtual performing philosophy. Have an upcoming virtual event? Contact me anytime to learn how I can help make your next event a magical success.