Mentalism Stage Show

Stage Mentalism with ESP Cards

Give Your Group an Amazing Experience

Joe Skilton’s mentalism stage show is designed for smart audiences at awards ceremonies, fundraising banquets, and corporate events of all sizes.

Joe’s stage show features incredible “sleight-of-mind” that will captivate your group. Joe will influence audience decisions, predict impossible outcomes, and read the minds of multiple volunteers. It’s a fast-paced show filled with amazing moments that will leave your audience completely baffled!

All Stage Shows Include:

Incredible Mentalism

If real mind reading existed… this is what it would look like. You’ll hear gasps of astonishment when Joe tells members of your group exacty what they’re thinking.

Appropriate Comedy

You can relax; Joe’s humor is always appropriate and non-offensive. This is “corporate clean” entertainment that everyone will love.

Fun Interaction

This is a highly interactive show. Joe gets many people involved, either from their seats or on stage. Everybody will be treated with courtesy and respect, and they’ll remember the fun for years!

Joe came to Florida to entertain our major donors, and he was off the charts! He was funny, personable, and did the most unbelievable magic and mentalism. It was a tremendous evening.”

– Cliff Smith, President, United Way of Ft. Myers
Reading Minds on Stage
Awards-Dinner Magic Show

Make a Big Impact Without a Big Hassle

No Venue Headaches

Unlike illusion shows, Joe’s stage show doesn’t require special lighting or elaborate staging. Minimum requirements are a simple raised platform and sound system. It’s easy to add to any program!

Quick Setup, Fast Teardown

Set-up / tech rehearsal is a breeze. Most importantly, Joe can have all equipment off the stage within 2 minutes, so you can get on with your program.

Fully Insured

Joe carries full liability coverage, and can provide your venue with any required paperwork.

Don’t Take a Chance

When you hire Joe Skilton, you’re getting an award-winning professional. Don’t disappoint your group. Give them the entertainment they deserve! Contact Joe today for a detailed quote.

[ctabar text=”Contact Joe today for availability and pricing” link=”/contact-me” button=”Contact Joe”]